South Carolina DOT to Improve 877 Miles of Road

May 19, 2023
South Carolina has over 8,000 miles of roads under construction

The South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) Commission approved the 2024 Pavement Improvement Program on Thursday. The plan is to improve 877 miles of roads in addition to other ongoing infrastructure improvements in the state.

In order to fund the project, SCDOT approved $775 million to invest in road infrastructure. SCDOT so far has invested $2.8 million in road improvements since the Strategic 10-Year Asset Management Plan.

Currently, South Carolina has over 8,000 miles of roads under construction.

“We know that South Carolina depends on a safe and reliable transportation system, and we are making good on our promise to the people of South Carolina to improve that system,” said Commission Chairman Tony Cox. “We have more work to do, but the effort is well underway and we are continuing to invest in the improvement of our roads. We are moving people and goods across the region more efficiently – making sure our state is a great place to live and work.”

The roads that were selected for the 2024 Pavement Improvement Plan align with the 10-Year Plan, and are based on quantifiable factors.

For a full list of projects, click here.

